JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – In 1984, President Ronald Reagan announced the first week in May as National Correctional Officer Appreciation Week. The duties of a correctional officer entail overseeing inmates to ensure they are safe, secure and supervised. This week, AFSFC is commemorating the event by recognizing several of the men and women across the enterprise who support the Air Force corrections and confinement mission.
Meet Staff Sgt. Tiandra Gouard, NCOIC, Commander Support Staff at AFSFC’s Det. 2, Naval Consolidated Brig, Miramar Naval Air Station, California. The four-year veteran is an administration and customer service specialist.
How do you contribute to the lethality and readiness of the Air Force?
My role on the commander’s support staff ensures that administrative operations, including the keeping of accurate records, is accomplished.
What do you enjoy most about your mission?
What I most enjoy about my mission is helping and supporting people.
What motivates and inspires you the most?
My family motivates me the most.