AFIMSC Capability: Security Forces

The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center helps the Department of the Air Force protect the nation by ensuring security forces personnel have the training and resources they need to protect, defend and fight. AFIMSC develops, manages and executes security forces capabilities and associated programs for DAF and joint mission sets to provide safe and secure operating environments.

Planning, Programming and Budgeting
AFIMSC manages programs and provides the planning and budgeting necessary to execute security forces operations. AFIMSC validates current-year requirements to properly designate funding, conducts continual program execution evaluation at the squadron level, and provides functional expertise to the Installation Health Assessment process to increase installation resiliency and force protection. AFIMSC detachments also provide antiterrorism program management support to major commands.

Installation Health Assessment Functions

  • Integrates and assesses 22 installation and mission support mission areas
  • Evaluates performance, cost and modernization
  • Assigns risk to mission and force
  • Informs the planning and programming process to shape installations of the future

Security Forces Readiness
Major Command Functional Managers and Functional Area Managers deliver responsive and integrated agile combat support training and readiness for I&MS capabilities. MFM and FAM security forces experts evaluate personnel placements to provide global career field manpower, manning, unit type code management and force development that ensures installation leaders receive trained and mission-ready professionals.

Security Forces Operations
The Air Force Security Forces Center trains, equips and manages program execution for the security forces enterprise worldwide. AFSFC’s cross-functional team provides subject matter expertise to the field to drive integration and innovation. 

AFSFC enables missions by providing security forces functional implementation policy guidance, identifying and evaluating functional requirements and informing the AFIMSC plans and programming process of security forces prioritized requirements.

Security Forces Mission Areas

  • Integrated Air Base Defense Security
  • Ground Combat and Advanced Deployment Readiness Training
  • Law and Order Operations
  • Security Protection for Nuclear and Non-nuclear Assets
  • Military Working Dog Training and Care
  • Air Force Corrections Management
  • Logistics Support for Individual and Team Equipment
  • Training and Maintenance for Small Arms and Light Weaponry
  • Sustainment and Other Vital Ancillary Training Requirements

Security Forces by the Numbers

  • Manage $116 million in Air Force military working dog assets
  • Provide force protection and installation security support for 178 active duty, guard and reserve installations
  • Support more than 200 visitor control centers, entry control points and vehicle inspection areas
  • Train and equip more than 38,000 security forces Defenders across the total force

(Current as of February 2022)